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"I've never seen the bloke in the jockey cap before.
I am also sure to see the felt jockey cap on the facing page, on heads that ought to know better.
But I doubt that the Jockey Cap would have survived his good connections.
For less than £5, parents can buy jockey caps and T-shirts with iron-on transfers.
The Jockey Cap islands are named after the headgear of horse-racing.
Hanging from the ceiling are shades like upside-down tulips, jockey caps and baby bonnets.
They usually have short haircuts (called "sopaipilla", because it looks like that fried pastry) accompanied by jockey caps.
Jockey cap bottle opener, $9.50.
A green-and-white jockey cap shaded Lenina's eyes; her shoes were bright green and highly polished.
Then came a miniature whipcrack report, and in the same instant something seemed to happen to the man's face just below the peak of the jockey cap.
She sports an Inca-style necklace; two enormous disks hang from her earlobes, and her entire ensemble is topped off with a jockey cap.
Her jockey cap had been knocked over one eye, giving her a rakish and demented air, and we wondered about the wisdom of our bet.
Examples included full-brimmed straw hats such as boating caps, jockey caps, cycling caps, and flat-topped caps.
Mink Island and the Jockey Caps Mink Island is named after the mink, an animal which has been spotted repeatedly on the island.
The door of the helicopter opened, and out stepped, first a fair and ruddy-faced young man, then, in green velveteen shorts, white shirt, and jockey cap, a young woman.
He ignored her signal, and saw a man appear from beyond where Molly had stood, clambering up from the rocks fringing the sea, wearing jeans, a grey shirt and a jockey cap.
The Lurigadawne of Tipperary wore an "antique slashed jacket of red, with peaks all round and a jockey cap, also sporting a sword, which he uses as a magic wand".
I lasted six days at the Burger Derby before I got in a fight with the manager and threw my red so-called jockey cap in the trash compactor and walked out.
Mrs Hnatiuk, who was wearing a fast-looking white jockey cap, was only two rows in front of her and Mrs Frizzell did not know how to bear the suspense.
They would have looked like dignified mandarins had it not been for the blue and white jockey caps that each of them was wearing, and their racing waistcoats, numbered to correspond with the list of runners.
Like the goats, they were numbered and wore jockey caps, and we were able to pick out the driver of No. 6, a brawny, likely looking man who seemed to be pacing himself sensibly with the beer.
The Prince has a drunken aide, Jockey Cap, a brother of Pol Pot: I have been told that the prince is still fighting Somewhere in the Cardamoms or the Elephant Mountains.
The Spear family built a cabin on East Jockey Cap over 100 years ago, and around that same time there was also a cabin on West Jockey Cap.
A white crash helmet is worn when on the move, while a new dark blue jockey cap with chequered white and dark blue patterns around its circumference is worn when convenient while performing static duty.
She decorates her head with a hideous jockey cap or a black soft coffee-pot arrangement with a feather spout, while her dress is divided into three separate overlapping folds that make her look like a mad walking shell-fish.