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The usual jostling of a starting train and their actions were meant to distract me.
It seems like a typical jostling of urban interests - drivers versus parents.
I was appalled at the chaos and the rude jostling of bodies rushing in every direction.
With no barrier between the two liquids, the random jostling of their molecules will result in them becoming more mixed as time passes.
Replicators come into existence, in the first place, by chance, by the random jostling of smaller particles.
She could not tell, awash in the scattershot jostling of quick, coarse perceptions.
The sculpture represents the territorial jostling of two male hipppos with mouths wide open.
Bacterial navigation is further hampered by the continuous jostling of the molecules that make up the liquid through which a bacterium moves.
Heart medications may come to include antibiotics some day, but the endless jostling of the psychosomatic and the orthodox theories of disease will continue.
I snapped fully back into conscious reality when Felicity combined her urgent voice with even more urgent one-handed jostling.
Kanell had just left Sehorn's side with an affectionate jostling of Sehorn's hair.
Life on a boat has the additional benefit, he wrote, of providing "isometric exercise similar to a Pilates workout," because of the constant jostling of the sea.
A thousand tracks they found in the woods about them, in pursuing which there was now no obstruction, no jostling of brother-horsemen pressing upon the same route.
The acquisition comes during a period of high oil and gas prices and much political jostling, both in the United States and abroad, to keep those prices in check.
Or, to put it another way, how long would we have to wait before random chemical events on the planet, random thermal jostling of atoms and molecules, resulted in a self-replicating molecule?
Still, rather than view the threat of a strike as the ordinary jostling of competing self-interests, it has been spoken of as a moral catastrophe and a violation of some sacred trust.
I reveled then in the surge along Oxford Street, the after-theater bustle toward the Piccadilly Underground, the discreet jostling of the dowdy but regal ladies in Harrods Food Hall.
On the contrary, the molecules involved are so small - remember all those New Testaments fitting on a pin's head - that they are under constant assault from the ordinary jostling of molecules that goes on due to heat.
One can easily imagine that by watching the random jostling of the molecules it might occur - by chance alone - that the molecules became neatly segregated, with all dye molecules on one side and all water molecules on the other.
He discovered in himself, at this period, a passion for perfection, under the sway of which he rewrote and polished "The Jostling Street," "The Wine of Life," "Joy," the "Sea Lyrics," and others of his earlier work.
That was when I began to do good work, when I wrote 'Adventure,' 'Joy,' 'The Pot,' 'The Wine of Life,' 'The Jostling Street,' the 'Love-cycle,' and the 'Sea Lyrics.'
"The Ring of Bells" and his horror stories constituted one collection; the other collection was composed of "Adventure," "The Pot," "The Wine of Life," "The Whirlpool," "The Jostling Street," and four other stories.
He was bumped and checked in the opening strides and never regrouped as Devoted Brass, at 5-1, survived the early jostling and won by a head over Union City, who had 12 lengths on Stuka and a yard or so more on Art of Living.