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The city could also make judicious use of technology, the report said.
So we have to be a little judicious in our use.
But I'm going to be judicious as to how to use the military.
But as it was, he had to be more judicious.
We're being very judicious with how we use the images.
I have been waiting for the most judicious moment to use them against him.
Another is to encourage the military to be judicious in using force.
But be judicious about throwing out the old for the new.
Every once in a while, a judicious spray, the head comes right back.
"Now, the key is to be very judicious about what you spend your money on," she said.
He is judicious and old-fashioned in his use of language.
This indicates the need for judicious use of the available road space.
But judicious and imaginative use of government will also be necessary.
By judicious management and improvement, it might be made to pay more.
Showing his face to the crowd was judicious, I thought.
This is a very important decision that needs judicious consideration.
The band makes judicious use of other elements from American music as well.
The power to effect it had to be sought by a judicious choice of position.
But there was nothing dignified or judicious about the campaign.
I believe that this is a fair and judicious assessment.
Judicious Fed policy has been one source of the economy's success, he said.
The decision of the judge was generally regarded as judicious.
"I'm sure you'll have the approval of every judicious husband."
Bobby was the judicious center around which so many others got to spin out of control.