He offered to operate the threshing machine for a while, and then jumped into it headfirst, killing himself.
Five or six boys were playing there, jumping headfirst into the water, then running up the steps to do it again.
So perhaps dieters can jump headfirst into phase two.
I remember a time when I jumped headfirst into a thorn bush and I fear kingship will be no different.
Reaching the mouth of the tube, she jumped headfirst into the open tunnel.
Dortmunder raged, on his feet, about to jump headfirst into the TV.
But before jumping headfirst into a new role, make sure you carry out the same exercise with any potential new job.
She also likes to jump headfirst into danger.
Greater reliance on the Guard means politicians will think twice about the impact of war on the people they represent before jumping headfirst into new conflicts.
Ordered to conquer a planet with little more than their fists, they'd jumped headfirst into the fray.