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Kaval is the only company in the world to offer a 100% coverage guarantee.
Kaval also said the league is sound and not headed to bankruptcy.
The kaval can be made in various tunings, D being the most common.
The kaval in lower (C) register is also not uncommon for this country.
This type of kaval is made from one piece of wood.
Kaval and I agreed not to debate the quality of the baseball or concession prices.
In the poll later that night, Kaval regained the number one ranking.
A very characteristic sound of kaval is achieved in the lowest register.
Kaval would go on to win the season.
The playing structure on the right pipe is similar to that of the music played on the kaval.
However this folk dance can also be accompanied by tulum or kaval.
It is played much like the kaval.
The bagpipe and the kaval are traditionally used instruments in Chernichevo.
The kaval plays two octaves and a fifth, in the chromatic scale.
According to the pitch there are four different registers that can be achieved with the Bulgarian kaval.
That is to be expected, Mr. Kaval said, based on the experience of other independent leagues.
The kaval is sometimes used in pairs.
Perhaps Kaval put the deal together, she speculated, thinking about the Bajoran minister of state.
The old Kulgam is situated on the banks of "Kaval'."
Big kick to the chest for Kaval.
The kaval is primarily associated with mountain shepherds.
There isn't a determinant variable or algorithm to predict the performance of players - yet," said Kaval. "
Horns are used for the embouchure of musical instruments, such as ney and kaval.
It's different from the little kaval and the tsafara with its construction and way of reproducing the sound.
In Epirus the end-blown kaval is known as dzhamara.