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What if she kept a diary and had her own story to tell?
Keep a diary as you may need evidence later down the line.
You might want to keep a diary over a week or a month to be really clear.
So taking your own blood pressure works best when you also keep a diary.
During the period when her husband was in Government, she kept a diary.
You may also be asked to keep a diary of your experience during this time.
You may want to keep a diary of your weight.
It has become very necessary to keep a diary again.
And I have to keep a diary of who spoke on it.
Such a plan should call for patients keeping a diary.
By the age of six, he was already keeping a diary.
Keep a diary of what is going on when you have these feelings.
During the war she kept a diary, which was published in 1925 and 1933.
Everyone who used a phone for any purpose, business or personal, had to keep a diary of the calls.
It seems Brown has been keeping a diary since she was 12.
Fox also kept a diary from the age of 18 to 1878.
If your child is old enough, explain to her why you are keeping a diary.
He is also noted for keeping a diary of his life.
Perhaps it's worth keeping a diary just to find that out.
He kept a diary, most of which has been preserved, from 1770 to 1824.
"Did your late husband keep a diary when he was in Arabia?"
If you wish to be remembered long after your death, keep a diary.
It's the only period of my life in which I at- tempted to keep a diary.
I have kept a diary for the past six months, a time in which everyone has betrayed me.
At the age of twelve she began keeping a diary.