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He can make even a global summit meeting seem like a kegger.
"I'm taking my girlfriend to a kegger out on campus."
She thinks nothing of barging in on her son's kegger at college.
"There's going to be a kegger at my fraternity.
It is tempting to regress and throw a kegger.
Clara advertises Codex's party and it becomes a crowded kegger.
'He was stupid not to have tested his automatic kegger, but the principles were sound.
A mini-mart, a theater, two bars and, on fall Friday nights, a football game followed by a kegger at the lake.
That was my kegger moment.
Anybody up for a kegger?
Tonight we'll have a kegger."
Death by kegger?"
It was more like an all-night dressy kegger - if your college happens to have a disproportionate number of actors, heiresses and models.
- 1 year 0 months ago Bob O, the real people are at a kegger over at Kordosh's place.
Only when my folks leave town, we skip the kegger and just get a couple of bottles of good wine and have a party for two.
I also loved fraternity parties - my friends and I spent many weekend nights stumbling from one fraternity kegger to the next.
Charles Bronson/ Straightedge Kegger Split 7" - 2008 - (unofficial)
The Kegger (Self-Released Single, 2001)
Daisy Duke shoulders a kegger of foam and another full of kerosene, and Grandville gets the fix-bath.
He describes ETID as a "Buffalo Bills tailgate party and a high school kegger".
- Jay D. Majors "Freshman Natalie Portman attending her first frat-house kegger."
Rumors of a big anarchist party had spread through Eugene, and the police were hoping Luers and Marshall would lead them to the clandestine kegger.
Originally billed as "The Pubescent Necrophiliacs" (or "The Pubes") the band played their first kegger in February 1982.
They were noted for headlining Woodstock style concerts in Montana, notably the University of Montana's Aber Day kegger.