"kieszeń" in inglés — Polish-inglés dictionary | see "kieszeń" in Polish


the image to "pocket" in Polish Flat Zoom 5-15x17 Pocket Size Pocket money
  1. pocket , ***
    • kieszeń (w ubraniu) [COUNTABLE]
      He pulled the box from his pocket.
      Tom put his hands in his pockets.
      She put the money back in her pocket.
    • kieszonka, kieszeń (np. na fotelu w samochodzie lub samolocie) [COUNTABLE]
      She put the maps in the pocket of her backpack.
      The flight attendant said we would find the safety instructions in the pocket of the seat.
    • kieszeń (ilość pieniędzy, które ktoś ma do wydania) [COUNTABLE]
      I paid for my car out of my own pocket.
      link synonym: pocketbook
  2. bay ****
    • kieszeń, wnęka (np. miejsce na dysk w komputerze)
      He put the CD into the bay of the playback and pressed play.
      The lion hid in the bay of the cave.
  3. pocket BrE *** , pocketbook AmE
    • portfel, kieszeń (przenośnie: stan portfela, kieszeni)
      The state of my pocket is nearly empty.
      Do what is good for this country, not your pocketbook.
      She had a pocketbook that would never be without coin.
  4. pouch
    • kieszeń (np. w plecaku)
      This backpack has an extra pouch inside.
  5. pocketful
    • kieszeń (miara objętości, np. kieszeń cukierków)
  6. placket
  7. prat