Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Any other kind of vehicle would not have got through.
However, the time just wasn't right for those kinds of vehicles - yet.
"If only we had some kind of vehicle or something.
I've also found that it doesn't really matter what kind of vehicles are on display.
We don't have the technology for that kind of vehicle."
It also seemed to have a startling effect on the kind of vehicles people brought over.
It was not clear what kind of vehicle the two suspects, described as being in their 20s, used to get away.
I think it's consistent with your theory that they were in some kind of vehicle when this took place.
Decide what kind of vehicle best suits your needs and budget.
God knows what kind of vehicle she had now.
On the road they are put on any kind of vehicle.
He wondered what kind of vehicle they were planning to use as a mount.
Sitting in some kind of vehicle, had to be.
Yet another kind of vehicle - a wheelchair - can also be a lemon.
Such systems allow different kinds of vehicles to be produced on the same assembly line.
"Maybe they'll think its a new kind of vehicle," Aaron said.
Easier said than done; there's no guarantee we'll know what kind of vehicle they're in.
It's some kind of vehicle, but I don't know anything more than that."
Today, in my dream, I invented a new kind of vehicle for a park slope.
A different kind of vehicle was parked there, with an alien standing next to it.
The road was jammed with every conceivable kind of vehicle.
What kind of vehicle would be best for mixed terrain without roads?
On what kind of vehicles can cold starts happen?
"We're strongly encouraging the administration to set higher standards for all kinds of vehicles."
"What kind of vehicles did you stop that night?"