Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
But he was going to take the knapsack with him.
He had a knapsack of some sort on his back.
He had put them in his knapsack and kept it with him.
Because the knapsack was high on her back, his hand fell low.
He reached into his knapsack and brought out the little can.
She set down her knapsack and then stood there, looking at him.
This system is based on a type of knapsack problem.
He took the knapsack from his back and reached within.
Then he pulled a couple of books from his knapsack and began to turn through them.
It was right in her knapsack, along with the sign language book.
When he had sat down he'd put his knapsack beside him.
She glanced at the knapsack, and then quickly back again.
He took a stride across the room toward the knapsack.
By the age of the sign you can figure out when knapsacks were popular among local students.
Have your first company take off their knapsacks and open them for inspection.
She went into the kitchen and placed her knapsack on the table.
Continue this procedure until you run out of room in the knapsack.
He nodded toward where her knapsack lay on the floor.
Then he took up the knapsack and started slowly down the stairs.
He picked up the knapsack suddenly and got onto his feet.
She sank into the deep water in the middle of the river, knapsack and all.
One morning I saw him go a little nuclear on a guy who was using two chairs for just his knapsack.
He checked the knapsack to make sure nothing was missing.
When he had embraced my mother, she gave him his knapsack with three days' food in it.
She returned the mirror, and he put it back into the knapsack.