It was the part of their game that attracted the most notice among fellow professionals.
Further, Jones took every opportunity to share his insights with fellow professionals.
They were seeking to please not only fellow professionals, but also some candid children on a tasting panel.
So fierce is his intensity that it irks fellow professionals.
I am treating you the way I would treat any fellow professional who wanted to be part of a mission.
At age 42, he has the respect of keyboard fanciers and fellow professionals, not an inevitable combination.
It was clear that Cianston had been in the field long enough to realize when a fellow professional had to think by himself.
Oh, it is a pleasure to deal with fellow professionals, who understand the meaning of protocol.
These people concentrated most of their attention on Molland, a fellow professional who talked the same language.
Many fans and fellow professionals believe that King would have gone on to become one of the best centre backs to have played the game.