But since my copy was a galley proof, with no jacket photo, I'm not able to tell you what he looks like.
The people who had galley proofs were handpicked by Murray and his publisher.
"You must have been reading the galley proofs of next week's local newspaper."
Used by editors to denote where space should be inserted in a galley proof.
The biggest decision belongs to Cashman, who is reading a galley proof, not the final version.
In the galley proofs, Wells said 25 percent to 40 percent of players take steroids.
Fitzgerald regarded even final galley proofs as a new chance to rewrite.
Someone had been into Soames's office and looked at the galley proofs of an exam he was going to give.
Even with the material in galley proofs, he felt no sense of completion.
The final form of the page was introduced on the galley proof.