"krok do przodu" in inglés — Polish-inglés dictionary | Mirar "krok do przodu" in Polish

krok do przodu

  1. forward step  

"krok do przodu" — Collocation dictionary inglés

stride forward collocation
Automatic translation (We do not guarantee its correctness): krok do przodu
  1. stride verbo + forward adverbio
    Very strong collocation

    I shall need my arms' he said and strode forward.

step forth collocation
Automatic translation (We do not guarantee its correctness): krok do przodu
  1. step verbo + forth adverbio
    Strong collocation

    In a few minutes he would step forth among people who knew him.

    Similar collocations:
stride forth collocation
Automatic translation (We do not guarantee its correctness): krok do przodu
  1. stride verbo + forth adverbio
    normal collocation

    King Rowan strode back and forth in the rain as if it wasn't there.

    Similar collocations:
forward step collocation
  1. forward adjetivo + step sustantivo = krok do przodu
    Loose collocation

    None of the plays can yet be considered a forward step for the author.

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