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Sharpe guessed the L stood for ladron, thief.
The club gives one piece of omnibus advice: "The Spanish word for thief is ladron.
The next Saturday, he plays with a new player who the others call "El Ladron", meaning "the thief."
The gringos suggest he may still be a little crooked: "Maybe you know that ladron who used to steal the water." "
Ladron de chatarra.
Bautista jerked it free of the coals and Sharpe saw the letter L, for ladron, glowing at its tip.
Let's see how one of the caballeros feels, being treated like a ladron, worse than one of his grandfather's own peons!
Ha entrado un ladron.
In reality, El Ladron is a director for a soccer camp named DSJ.
"I think it's very clear the signal that we are sending here in Europe about tar sands," adds Mr Ladron.
Ruben Ladron de Guevara - backing vocals (5)
He married Mercedes Gonzalez y Ladron de Guevara.
El Ladron (Spain)
Music video by Los Bukis performing Ladron De Buena Suerte.
It continues to flow east, joined by a number of minor tributaries flowing from the Bear Mountains and Ladron Peak.
San Pedro el Grande (flagship of Ladron de Guevara)
Santiago (Martin Ladron de Guevara)
Ladron que roba a ladron.
The theme song to Leonela is "Ladron de tu amor", performed by Gualberto Ibarreto.
He played the lead role in the 1956 cult classic El Ladron de Cadaveres, which is now considered the first true Mexican Wrestling/ Horror film.
I have tried to post the YouTube video "Turista golpea a ladron en la Antugua Guatemala.
She was born Maria Teresa Ladron de Guevara in Ciudad Bolivar, Venezuela, and was educated by tutors.
The county contains several mountain ranges of which the Magdalena Mountains, the San Mateo Mountains and Ladron Peak are classified as sky islands.
Yo Te Necesito Ladron de Buena Suerte Tus Mentiras Donde Vas?
In 1952 Carmen de la Legua Reynoso was founded by Lopez Pasos, Alejandro Ladron De Guevara, and Barios Medina.