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Police said he acted like a lager lout and hit an officer.
We'd also asked to be in a quiet location but we had trouble with lager louts next door.
This involves a change of character for Mason, who has decided to become, in his words, a lager lout.
They let me put it round the back of the hotel, away from sticky fingers and lager louts.
Personally I reckon it's a sport strictly for lager louts!
The girls are beautiful, the band is beautiful, lager louts miss out.
Home Secretary speaks out against rural violence as judge calls for special reforms on lager louts.
Anyone who listens to the language of our lager louts on the football terraces could not help but agree with them.
It's the kind of place that's put Oxfordshire at the top of the lager lout league.
The city had more lager louts than epicures.
And each autumn, lager louts punish their collective livers during Oktoberfest.
What about lager louts and football hooligans?
'We believe it will help to stop children becoming lager louts when they reach the right age to be allowed to drink.'
No lager louts.
It was commissioned because of the increasing number of gang fights involving so-called lager louts in country towns.
Tony also comes under fire from a vicious, paranoid, lager lout (played by Ricky Grover) when his son goes missing.
More recently a moral panic about 'lager louts' despoiling rural Arcadias has emerged.
The police risk losing control of the streets to lager louts, vandals and drug dealers, the Police Federation conference was warned.
Douglas Hurd's active citizen and John Patten's lager louts are both given an airing.
These are the elderly lager louts: men who have opted out, in favour of an easy life, an understanding job and regular drinking in the pub.
A crown court judge calls for an enquiry into lager louts as he was trying two 18 year old men for affray after a pub fight.
This elitist trend is tacitly encouraged by the local authorities, keen to clamp down on "rave" tourism and associated lager louts.
However today the problem of drunkenness and lager louts has largely gone and Benidorm has become more mellowed.
Fights between rival gangs of lager louts were turning town centres into no-go areas on Friday and Saturday nights, so a report was commissioned.