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This would be expected if they evolved from land-dwelling species.
Many of the large land-dwelling animals common to the mainland are not found on the island.
There have been no major increases in size among land-dwelling mammals since that time.
In humans and most land-dwelling animals, this means having five or more limbs.
Had Jolly said anything about animals, land-dwelling creatures of any sort?
The larvae are land-dwelling which may be unique in water living insects.
For many years, scientists thought the watery and land-dwelling forms to be separate species.
Oxygen levels have stayed near 21%, which is ideal for most land-dwelling plant and animals.
This left a vacuum in the "trades" open to land-dwelling animals.
This species can reach up to 9 pounds and is the largest land-dwelling arthropod.
Land-dwelling animals were therefore no longer able to migrate from Europe over the seas without a little help.
It is the evolutionary link between land-dwelling mammals and the modern whale.
The researchers say they are the oldest known embryos for any land-dwelling vertebrate.
Over several weeks the larvae transform into air-breathing, land-dwelling animals.
Larvae develop over two to four months before metamorphosing into land-dwelling juveniles.
The islet is frequently wave-washed and supports no land-dwelling life.
But under little understood conditions of environmental change, its offspring can lose their gills, developing into the land-dwelling adults.
Most evolutionary biologists agree, for example, that whales evolved from a land-dwelling ancestor.
The pieces of eggshell found are the oldest known from any land-dwelling vertebrate animal.
You mean that all the land-dwelling species that developed later inherited the basic pattern of a double system?
They are the largest lizards known from the time of the dinosaurs and grew to be larger than many land-dwelling reptiles.
Book lungs are not related to the lungs of modern land-dwelling vertebrates.
Some eat fish with the justification that fish have less sophisticated nervous systems than land-dwelling animals.
You mean if amphibian and land-dwelling carnivores had evolved," Hunt supplied. "
Palaeontologists believe the fossils could be an evolutionary link to the animals land-dwelling ancestors.