Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
She lapsed into thought, and he too would turn serious.
But the second has lapsed, if that is what you want.
She was told that the order had lapsed three months earlier.
He lapsed into thought and then started taking the money out of her bag.
The name lapsed, but was then used again for the new property, in 1984.
But the option lapsed, and he said the project is dead.
But the company has lapsed back into its losing ways.
The time that lapsed in those events, however, was 116 days.
About a half hour after that, the man lapsed into sleep.
Perhaps because of this, any conversation between them had lapsed.
Following a successful number of years the club lapsed in 1939.
Once they were over, he lapsed during a high stress period at work.
When they left the field, that part of the agency's business usually lapsed.
I gave it up and we lapsed back into silence.
They had not done so since the previous agreement lapsed in 2000.
But this practice appears to have lapsed in more recent years.
From the final decision to surgery only one year lapsed.
Her voice ran down on the single word and she lapsed into silence.
The tournament did not take place in 2010 and has lapsed since then.
However, the film has since lapsed into the public domain.
Maybe she had lapsed into a coma after her run.
The option lapsed recently, but I still see in the book a great television movie.
Because the tax had lapsed in early 1996, that number was zero.
She simply omitted talking about the six years that had lapsed in between.
Nothing was any good now, and he lapsed into a dark vacuum of heat.