He polled 390 votes, coming second to last of eight candidates.
It won't last, of course, but for the moment I feel beautifully irresponsible and very happy.
No one knows how long the clamor for Sensor will last, of course.
"Susan," he said, when she turned to come in, "from first to last of this business you have been a brick!"
The strip first started in 1938 and lasted just one year short of its 60th birthday.
A match may last a set amount of time such as 10 points or until the end of a class period in school.
The women lasted longer than many of the men.
"Then it seems you can safely come with us, if your oasis will last for a day or so of its time."
The temporary reunion lasted until 31 December of the same year.
Laila is the second to last of her father's nine children and his youngest daughter.