Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The latest documents have not been vetted in the same way.
A project website was continuously updated with the latest documents and information.
Even with these latest documents, we are still left with conflicting versions from the two participants.
The Bush administration, for example, provided only five-year forecasts of the unified budget in its latest documents; the practice had been 10 years.
Latest documents are listed at the top.
A spokeswoman for Mr. Reed had no comment, saying he had not seen the latest documents.
But these two latest documents just in from the CIA's Russian desk caught and held his attention:
The latest documents about chuiwan in China are from the two paintings of the Ming Dynasty from the 15th century.
Television coverage from Ukrainian channel 5 of the release of the latest documents dealing with the Lviv civilian massacre can be viewed here.
Indeed, in this report from the Committee on Fisheries we congratulate the Commission on one of their latest documents: ' Fisheries agreements: current situation and agreements' .
"These latest documents provide further evidence of massive and systemic deception and obstruction of justice," said Michael P. Malakoff, a Pittsburgh lawyer who represents policyholders unhappy with the settlement.
Gene Adams, the District's lawyer who is handling the case, said he could not comment on the two latest documents until he had had an opportunity to question those involved about how it was conducted.
The latest documents appeared to contain no bombshells, but their simultaneous release at the main National Archives building here and the Reagan library in Simi Valley, Calif., nevertheless produced fevered interest.
In the latest documents, Mr. Roberts - then in his late 20's and early 30's - reflects a keen awareness of the eyes of history that would someday fall upon him and his colleagues.
The latest documents discovered in the pouch concern a summons to appear in an Ein Gedi court as Judah's first wife, Miriam, had brought a dispute against Babatha regarding their late husband's property.
The Senate should determine that Judge Alito is on the side of the Constitution in these battles, not on the side of the presidency - which the latest documents strongly question - before voting to confirm him.
The latest documents show that during his flight training in 1969, Mr. Bush had a grade of 88 in airmanship, a 98 in aviation physiology, a 93 in principles of flight and a perfect 100 for flying without navigational instruments.
These latest documents were discovered in old government archives by Youk Chhang, executive director of the Cambodian Documentation Center in Phnom Penh, a nonprofit research organization that is the main repository of the evidence against the Khmer Rouge.
This is among the latest documents from Asia province and the Aegaean region which still uses the Roman ethnic and it notably does so only with regard to A. Varro's legatio and in its attempt to express Sulla's overarching command.
Within the General Collection, HSDL content team members have designated special smaller collections of key documents that provide easy, direct access to major legislation, significant policy, presidential directives, executive orders Homeland Security theses and the latest documents of topical interest or potential importance.
The latest documents also show that Mr. Roberts co-wrote a 1982 memorandum urging the Reagan Justice Department to get some of its conservative policies - like opposition to busing and quotas for affirmative action - enshrined in law, so they could not be "instantly reversed when a new administration took office."
Comparing late documents with early ones, it is apparent that the sequences sel- and nel-, which Rowan takes to be /sl/ and /nl/ and which commonly occurred with the determiner -l-, assimilated over time to t and l (perhaps /t/ and /ll/).