There were, however, two remarkable late flowerings of the American station.
And the exhibition suggests a late flowering.
Fungicides applied at late flowering and the beginning of seed growth have been shown to protect against frogeye.
Brooks' architecture has been described as "a late flowering of the most elegant and sensuous modernism".
An art movement devoted to hastening the death of art, the group was a late flowering of Surrealism.
A spectacular late flowering by a poet of uncommon attentiveness; much here was evidently written after she was 80.
Peled always believed that Oslo was at least in part a late flowering of the seeds he and his friends had sown in the 1970s.
It's a spectacular late flowering for poetry's own rosa humilis.
"That single thing accounts for what they call a late flowering."
But here is a late flowering of interest from the Juilliard Opera Center.