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At private places like Laudable, more than 80 percent of you do.
We have looked at these and think that they are laudable.
Thank you for your laudable work teaching all of us about security over the years.
"Lost some of your laudable control over the years, have you?"
Critics say those changes were laudable but did not go far enough.
These proposals are a laudable start, but more needs to be done.
The principles are all laudable, so far as they go.
Its desire to get this money out of the door quickly is laudable.
I am sure you do support such laudable initiatives already.
Governor Clinton has so far done a laudable job of telling where he would lead.
It is a very laudable project, and I wish you every success.
But it makes the objective even more laudable than ever, I'd say.
Yes, especially when he worked with such laudable economy of motion and effort.
On the face of it, this is a laudable objective.
He was just one of these players prepared to try something a bit different every now and again - which is laudable.
Trying, doing something proactive, is always laudable in my book.
The idea behind these views and demands is certainly laudable.
The increases are laudable, but they will not be sufficient.
This would perhaps be a laudable idea if it were possible of accomplishment.
Laudable and just as that may have been, it has led to certain unexpected problems.
The case is part of the city's continuing and laudable stand against corruption.
All this is very laudable and I doubt that anyone could disagree.
The crew had made a laudable effort to pretend they were in control.
The goal of putting laughter into your friends' lives is laudable.
But Goodman said the federal reforms, while laudable, would not go far enough.