Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
None of these reports were any less laudatory than our report.
If anything, the book is more laudatory than that would indicate.
Now and then they said appropriately laudatory things to her.
It is not clear why this laudatory record needed revision.
Upon their return, they published a detailed and laudatory report.
Max felt responsible because of his laudatory article in the paper.
Some people see him within that tradition and send laudatory letters.
Can't even bring myself to read the other comments, which I hope are laudatory.
I think he is doing that for what many believe is a laudatory reason.
He would walk out of the room rather than hear a laudatory passage about himself".
Sometimes he was overruled, but his final judgment is laudatory.
But after seeing the show's laudatory reviews and strong ratings, many returned.
Vincent, playing down the laudatory comments, said he has done nothing unusual.
Most of his books are best sellers and receive laudatory reviews.
The current critical discourse surrounding the novel is often laudatory.
"You'll find things on our site that are critical and laudatory of all political persuasions."
He would mention him in laudatory terms to new-comers, when his back was turned.
The quotes cited below are only a few of many laudatory comments.
The reviews have ranged from laudatory to mixed to terrible.
If your mama made this, you would not consider home cooking a laudatory phrase.
The bare statement says more than the most laudatory epithets.
To say that he was long overdue for a laudatory word would be an understatement.
"Now it is time for another," less laudatory version.
There was a nice write-up in the paper, even a laudatory editorial.
A laudatory back cover review, written at Harvard, possibly by the authors themselves.