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Maybe he could have cut right through the red tape and legalese.
But it did not say how either answer would be translated into legalese.
There is a serious question whether legalese should even be used in legal writing."
Since the accident killed her parents, "in effect" seems a curious bit of legalese.
Legalese, as a term, has been adopted in other languages.
To which the only reasonable response is - and apologies for the legalese - Do.
All the legalese and such aside, hiding things in images is pretty awesome.
She struggled through the convoluted legalese, trying to figure out what they really meant.
Some of that legalese is probably left over from the olde Yahoo!
"But they're so long and involved and written in legalese.
Now for the rules (you can read the full legalese version here):
However, you're not too enthused by the idea of lawyers, contracts and legalese.
In fact, some of the legalese sounded as if it had been borrowed from the last petition, or the next one.
If that sounds like a mouthful of legalese, here's what it means in plain English.
In legalese, attachment means staking a claim on someone's assets.
"You go over all of it and write up a report for me- without all the legalese.
Legalese is characterized by a shift in priority towards the former of these concerns.
Keep an eye out for contest details, but first, read the obligatory legalese below.
Things would be better if one could make simple, logical arguments in a courtroom without speaking legalese.
As a result, defining who should be doing what disclosure quickly gets bogged down in legalese.
Every question had something to do with molestation - or, in legalese, "sexual misconduct".
It's easy to slip back into legalese; ombudsmen would help keep that from happening.
To most English speakers, legalese, the language of the courts, already sounds incomprehensible.
They start by intimidating you with their legalese.
There will be plenty of new laws, lawsuits and scandals conducted entirely in legalese.