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Saltcrete is being replaced by saltstone, which is less permeable and leachable.
The polymer employed should be non-toxic, non-irritant and devoid of leachable impurities.
It is a porphyry copper with an extensive capping of leachable oxide and sulphide mineralisation.
The WAC largely consists of numerical limits for leachable substances and organic content, along with standards for physical stability.
In the case of algae-resistant shingles, a portion of the granules contain leachable paint ceramically coated, designed to protect against discoloration from algae on the roof.
The mine composes two porphyry copper deposits (the San Juan and Dos Pobres copper ore bodies) that have leachable oxide and secondary sulfide mineralization.
If a waste is 100% solid, as defined by the TCLP method, then the results of the total constituent analysis may be divided by twenty to convert the total results into the maximum leachable concentration.