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They are great for collecting leaves and making leaf mould compost.
The lane was quiet, the banks drifting with leaf mould.
They came over the trees and he could smell the fresh leaf mould, damp on the air.
In the cooling air, I smelled the rich leaf mould of the forest.
It was quiet in the forest, they made not a sound on the centuries of leaf mould under the great trees.
The air in the forest began to smell of leaf mould and turpentine.
This species is usually found rooted in leaf mould under the protection of shrubs.
The path is so padded with leaf mould that walking boots make no sound.
Add organic matter - preferably leaf mould - to the ground when planting.
She buried her face in the leaf mould and tried to still her trembling.
The arc continued to lash the leaf mould into sluggish fire.
At each step his foot-wide pads sank into the leaf mould.
Riven's hands fell to the earth and the leaf mould.
I could smell a lake nearby, and trees, and leaf mould on the ground.
About 500 species in four families are found worldwide, living in soil and leaf mould.
She fetched her sleeping bag and spread it on the soft bed of leaf mould.
Plant this shrub in an open position and mulch with peat or leaf mould.
At the top, Macurdy sat down on leaf mould just within the forest edge.
Eggs of New Zealand's species are generally deposited in leaf mould.
Lime-free soil plus large quantities of peat or leaf mould.
Wood violets have spread where the leaf mould is altering the pH.
Back at the rear of the roped line, someone missed a step, slipping on the sodden leaf mould.
I smelled the potent earth scent of leaf mould, rotting wood and damp soil.
Dig out and bag up your oldest leaf mould for spring mulching of woodland plants.
Then mulch with leaf mould or composted bark.
For example, leaf mold is more common in the fall.
He was lying on a bed of leaf mold under a thick bush.
It had a naked human body covered with dirt and leaf mold.
Worms were thick in the leaf mold near the stream.
The scent of leaf mold clung to his hands and clothes.
There he went down on one knee to examine the thick leaf mold.
Ned looked to where his boot had scored the leaf mold.
Leaf mold humped up to either side of the trough.
I am that changeling, he thought, staring at the leaf mold on his boots.
I jerked up, gasping for breath, shaking leaf mold out of my eyes.
Leaf mold, aged horse manure or compost is great if you can get it.
She could smell the leaf mold and the fragrance of night- blooming flowers.
He reached down for the hasp which barely projected from the leaf mold.
But for the leaf mold under the trees.
He plants each one in a hole with two five-gallon buckets of leaf mold.
The pilot had been inspecting the leaf mold around the stranded jeep.
About 500 species in four families are found worldwide, living in soil and leaf mold.
Rain had washed the upturned roots clean of leaf mold.
"Not much," he replied, fingering leaf mold from his ears.
A cool breeze bore the odor of pines and leaf mold.
As a result there is a ready supply of leaf mold, humus, organic matter or whatever you might want to call it.
He struggled onto his back, spitting leaf mold past the crude gag.
And you can make both leaf mold (just pile up some leaves for a year or more) and compost yourself.
Scrabbling in the leaf mold he dug the haft with the weight of his body into the ground.
The wizard's slick-soled boots slipped awkwardly on the leaf mold.