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He was dead too quickly for me to leam more.
She would leam a great deal in the next day.
Well, I leam something new almost every hour of the day.
Maybe I can leam from him just what's going on.
You have to leam to think of her as a lost one.
When will you leam words can say one thing and mean another?
We need to make her leam how to bring them under control.
Because she doesn't want you to leam anything about the real world!
Whether this was good or bad he had yet to leam.
How am I ever going to even live long enough to leam it all?
I'm sure the news media would leam about it one way or another.
You will have time to leam and to fit here.
You may leam, and tell me in our own speech.
Why didn't somebody force me to leam it years ago?
It will take us long to leam to live with that.
Our time scale is all wrong for us to leam much.
It may be that they cannot leam as we do.
You're going to have to leam to control yourself, you know.
Sometimes, however, one need not travel far at all to leam a great deal.
If that turned out to be true, the rest of them would leam it soon enough.
You leam a lot about a society from fighting it.
Now they would leam the meaning of the word fear.
He realized that she would have to leam the hard way.
The others will leam to live on limited power, or none at all.
But I remain new in this office and still have much to leam.