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I suppose you study a lot of awful learned books now."
People did not need learned books and theories.
When the parson got home he took down many learned books from his shelves, and he sat up far into the night.
"Do the Jews possess schools or learned books?"
He was the kind called Draco centipedis in the learned books.
Besides translating a number of books he also used his skills to write learned books on foreign people and folklore.
You play very nicely, I'm told, and I've no doubt you've read heaps of learned books."
Paulinus wrote many learned books on the East, which were highly valued in their day, among them the first printed Sanskrit grammar.
'We do not learn much from learned books, but from sincere human books: frank, honest biographies.' "
You see, Daddy doesn't make much money with the learned books he writes, and he's always wanting to give mother and me things he can't afford.
Among the greasy trails of wisdom that coat our aged core, many were laid down after reading learned books, or holding lengthy discussions with other sages.
The royal state library was founded in 1556, when Prince-Elector Augustus (ruled 1553-1586) started systematically to acquire learned books and literary works.
Wears green spectacles and writes learned books . . . She wants to upset the universe, and play at dice with the hemispheres.
Sarton, G. (1960), "Notes on the reviewing of learned books", Science, Vol.
Lord archbishop, men have told me that in your library there are learned books by the old Rome-folk who wrote on matters of war, especially of siegecraft.
In recognition of these learned books, in 1843 New York University conferred upon him the honorary degree of D.D.
"Before I came here, I was able through the protective powers of this shoe to study some of the learned books in Vushta concerning the Eastern Kingdoms.
His existential view of life, his left-wing leanings, his affair with Lillian Hellman, his alcoholism - everything about him has been analyzed and been the subject of learned books and doctoral dissertations.
He surveys the translatio stultitia: the Great Wall of China and the emperor burning all learned books, Egypt and Omar I burning the books in the Ptlomaean library.
He was a good Latinist, Tacitus being his favourite author; his Greek was thin; he was somewhat given to rabbinical studies, having collected a small store of learned books on this subject.
My mother, the old magpie, is still chattering about the emancipation of woman, with one eye on her grave and the other on her learned books, in which she is always looking for the dawn of a new life.
A reviewer called America and the Patterns of Chivalry "a brilliant and utterly absorbing work" and said that "There are not many learned books which have the unputdownable quality of a thriller; this is one of them."
The sanest of the occult Atlantis scholars is a Scottish Presbyterian named Lewis Spence.2 He is the author of forty learned books on folklore, more than half a dozen of which deal with Atlantis.
It is he who writes nearly all the learned books and articles, especially of the scientific or skeptical sort; all the articles on Eugenics and Social Evolution and Prison Reform and the Higher Criticism and all the rest of it.
Although he was a Fellow of almost every important society and had rows of letters after his name, the general public scarcely knew of his existence, and his long learned books, though adding signally to the sum-total of human knowledge, had no attraction for the masses.
They were learned works and varied in length from four to over 400 pages.
It is only good for short stuff, nothing long, but once learned works well considering the weight savings.
He was the author of many learned works.
Himself a scholarly theologian, he urged these three friends to the composition of many learned works.
Over the course of the 18th century, learned works largely ceased to be written in Latin.
A humanist scholar, he wrote learned works, including:
Lists of his other learned works may be found in Senebier's Hist.
He resided at Holt, where he employed his leisure in composing his learned works.
Then Katavasov, in his loud, piercing voice, read his note on the learned works of the man being honoured.
There certainly were learned works on graffiti, chock full of sociological jargon: cultural disenfranchisement; urban alienation.
It was, however, during his professorship at Innsbruck that he composed his numerous learned works, the principal of which are:
So that's the technology that we learned works with firewalls and works with security is by default you say no, and then you selectively enable.
In 1830, it was still a joint stock printing business in an academic backwater, offering learned works to a relatively small readership of scholars and clerics.
His later years were spent at Douai, in printing ancient manuscripts, and in translating, editing, and annotating various learned works.
In the first quarter of the seventeenth century, he published several learned works under the name of 'John Brereley, Priest.'
Aside from editorial work, he became interested in numismatics, and published several learned works on this subject, all marked by a determination to be different from other interpreters.
He therefore announced in an advertisement in New Learned Works on 15 April 1731 that the work would be ready for the Michaelmas Fair in October.
He has participated in many other expeditions and is the author of several learned works on the subject of fossils-including the practical guidebook, "Archaeologically Speaking, It's the Pits."
Although published some years ago this particular volume from the Ray Society (which is more usually associated with learned works on natural history) had not been brought to The Lifeboat's notice before.
On 19 October 1730 he informed the Leipzig journal New Learned Works that he was still accepting further Praenumeration subscriptions, and rejected all accusations of plagiarism.
Although they published such important, learned works as Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, they also published political pamphlets and advertising bills.
Holding professorships at Harvard and at Bar Ilan University in Israel, and having already produced learned works on biblical hermeneutics, he tackles his chosen subject with erudition and enthusiasm.
Of his many learned works, the Vergelijkende geschiedenis van de egyptische en mesopotamische Godsdiensten (1872), and the Geschiedenis van den Godsdienst (1876; new ed.
Here he planned his days, read and wrote learned works and poems and in moments of leisure commanded entertainment by the court jester whose bawdy jokes and suggestive contortions were very much to James's taste.
Working from a modest set of learned works published since the mid-1980's, Wills assembles a condensed history of the papacy designed to culminate thematically as well as chronologically in the Second Vatican Council.
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