Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
He decided to go round to the door and see if it had been left unlatched.
The door is designed with several features to prevent its being left unlatched.
But Jeff here says he thinks maybe one of the windows was left unlatched, that we ought to check it.
He slid open his bedroom window, which he had left unlatched, and crawled inside.
We know the front door was left unlatched all the evening, so there was no difficulty in getting in again.
A preliminary accident report revealed that the cowlings had been left unlatched following overnight maintenance.
The motorized bronze gates locked automatically when you passed through them and could not be left unlatched accidentally.
It had been left unlatched.
"There's a window left unlatched.
If the door to his cage was left unlatched, Skipper gladly went walkabout, searching out some newly reupholstered piece of furniture or my favorite needlepoint cushion to shred into a new nest.
The door leading to Professor Maxon's campong, left unlatched earlier in the evening by von Horn for sinister motives of his own, was still unbarred through a fatal coincidence of forgetfulness on the part of the professor.