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But he was said to be a lecherous and violent man.
I think she'd look better with a big, lecherous grin.
He was a nice old guy, just a drunk who got lecherous.
The rest of the men, too, started across the room with that same disturbing, lecherous look.
"You'd be tossed out the door within a week for lecherous behavior."
He offers good advice, but also has a bit of a lecherous side.
I just nodded and gave her my best lecherous grin.
He was looking at me, and the joking, lecherous comments were gone.
One involved a lecherous old man always touching his aide.
Dame Catherine did have a lecherous look in her eyes.
His lecherous plans are interrupted by Paul, and he leaves.
Later, if necessary, I could easily break down and become a lecherous heel.
First when he was a lecherous little kid, then as a dangerous teen.
Hopefully he would find some lecherous viewing to pass the night away.
That might keep him from generating more scandals with his lecherous behavior.
I've got as lecherous an eye as the next man.
If my friends could see me now, being paid for feigning a lecherous look.
The guard came in eagerly, a lecherous grin on his face.
One would think you knew the lecherous bent of my mind and were trying to put me off."
You only agree now because of your lecherous needs.
Notice how the lecherous eyes follow her at Embassy parties.
Betty smiled and looked at me with an obvious lecherous smile.
Get your lecherous hands off my bottom and I'll get to work.
Pan, a lecherous god, fell in love with Echo, but she ran away from him.
If he was old and lecherous, she might say to him, "Warm?