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Then came the "new and improved" lemon tea with added ginger.
I just drank the lemon tea and said nothing.
Now my wife prepares her own version of lemon tea, which, I may say, is superb.
Especially good is the iced lemon tea and steamed pancakes.
Sara was very quiet, and hadn't touched her lemon tea.
She longed to get up, to draw back the curtains and make herself a cup of hot strong lemon tea.
He sat slumped in his favorite chair, staring at nothing, while the glass of lemon tea grew cold before him.
He cobbled together a brunch of cold remains from the fridge, with lemon tea.
"I had tried everything before - tea, lemon tea, honey - but nothing worked very well."
Iced lemon tea is available at many Hong Kong restaurants.
Then a wizened lemon was discovered and so lemon tea saved the day.
I regularly bought lemon tea from supermarkets and added honey and it worked.
An aide woke Teddy at midnight with lemon tea and a vegetable sandwich.
Packets of sweetened lemon tea were offered alongside freeze-dried coffee.
Miss Hoolie makes him some honey and lemon tea.
Lemon tea with a spoonful of honey is a popular remedy for sore throats.
Her career began in 1998, when she was offered to appear in a TV commercial advertising lemon tea.
But he'd have to drop the lemon tea lark when he went back to the Battalion; it would be like turning up wearing a frock.
An exchange of greetings quickly leads to an invitation to sit and share heavily sweetened lemon tea.
Conversation was suspended briefly while they ate, but Cat resumed her questions as they finished off the lemon tea.
The grey-haired one brought two lemon teas.
Lemon tea simply contains hot tea with lemon juice and sugar.
"Go and make some lemon tea in a jug as weak and hot as you can; quick!"
In eastern India, people also drink lemon tea or lemon masala tea.
They first started with pure fruit drinks, and would not manufacture their first tea, lemon tea, until 1987.