Wind lent the moving particles form and substance.
Gore's team was terrified that the plan might lend substance to Bradley's claim to "big ideas."
I think the madness has lent substance to the Sorceress' illusion.
Ina's journey may not look like much from the outside, but Little's expressive prose lends it substance.
He has a number, many quite apt, which he is liable to produce to lend substance to his conversation.
In 1978 a major discovery lent substance to this prediction.
And if you do, the tree will lend you enough substance to make a solid body.
Once again, thoughts of mortality lend substance to what otherwise would look like lighthearted fun.
Ian couldn't use that, and the knowledge lent the slab in his mind more weight and substance.
What makes them ever more irresistible is that they lend substance to the legend of his life as an ultimate countercultural romance.