Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
And their lead had lengthened to a good five days.
The weeks went by and the days began to lengthen.
As a result, the year was lengthened by a total of 22 or 23 days.
I went all the way around by the road to lengthen out the time.
It was lengthened to its current 36 days in 1997.
The school year was lengthened from seven to eight months.
When the days began lengthening again he would make plans.
But when the children took the oil, it was lengthened three to four months.
Then the term was lengthened to one, two, and sometimes three years.
These could easily be lengthened from a few weeks to two years.
But as the evening lengthened, the night called to him.
Between 1979 and 1999, the average American working year lengthened by 50 hours, or nearly 3 percent.
At present the average period of lengthening in patients takes 3-4 months.
Some first degrees should also be lengthened to four years.
This was later brought back to two stories, both lengthened to make up for the one lost story.
Old age in particular has lengthened for the average Joe.
They all looked at the General as his silence lengthened.
And again, for days that lengthened slowly into weeks, the work went on.
That could lengthen the waiting period for a decision to six months or more.
A key goal was to lengthen the work day to 10 to 12 hours.
Congress has lengthened copyright 11 times in the past 40 years.
He noted that many schools have already lengthened the school day.
The business expanded and his hours in the city lengthened.
School day lengthened to eight hours and twenty three minutes.
There are some cases where these two sounds do not lengthen.