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Thus he did not hear the lickerish chorus.
For one thing, he had been afraid and half starved, a state anything but conducive to lickerish imaginings.
That lickerish voice continued behind my back.
Borane did not miss the lickerish look the Gaul sent her daughter.
His lickerish eyes traveled slowly down the length of her body to her strapped sandals, then up again.
They're a lickerish lot here, 'tis said."
Theyâre a lickerish lot, those Danskar.
Lickerish appears uncredited as the session bass guitarist on the Kim Wilde song Kids In America.
A drunken fool paraded around the room, abusing a fiddle most appallingly, but the lickerish audience stomped and danced to the music for all its chaos.
After a 20 year break from music, Lickerish began writing Secret Green's To Wake the King album in 2006, which was released in May 2009.
A lickerish shout lifted from six of the eight men, at sight of Eyjan white in the sunlight, clad only in dagger belt and tossing bronze mane.
I doubt Marquis Balastro would kidnap you and torture you or offer you lickerish Algarvian lasses to find out what Hadadezer had to say.
One of the best is "Lickerish Man," which begins with a children's rhyme ("It's raining, it's pouring . . .") and becomes an erotic provocation ("You make me feel like a dirty old man") loaded with ambivalence.
I thought again of how I had spent that night, and the nights following it; I thought of all the lickerish pleasures of Felicity Place - all the suits, the dinners, the wine, the poses plastiques.
In the face of this bedlam I did not even land, but flew away again without bothering to try the stable, from whence sounded not only the snorts of restive horses, but the half-smothered laughter of some lickerish kitchen wench.
Up close I could see that Kate was a woman not without charms for gentlemen who are so inclined, but she had the kind of hard, hollow look of the street about her, and that was always for me enough to tame my more lickerish passions.
Its terrors were nothing beside the memory of Huz-zah's scrap, twitching in the muck, or the hallelujahs he could still hear behind him, raised in ignorance of the fact that he-the savior of Lickerish Street-was also its destroyer, but no less tempting for that.
Hence with thy brew'd inchantments, foul deceiver, Hast thou betrai'd my credulous innocence With visor'd falshood, and base forgery, And wouldst thou seek again to trap me here With lickerish baits fit to ensnare a brute?
Don't think of that sauce-heavy French traditional dish, but rather a quick way of infusing poultry with a liquorish herbal hit of summery freshness.
A liquorish tooth is, I believe, common to children, and I used to steal any thing sweet, that I could catch up with a chance of concealment.
"I'm only a fifth daughter, which means they can marry me off to some liquorish old man who wouldn't know the difference between a virgin ewe and a virgin woman."
This, of course, must be Zodak Allen, the half-crazed, liquorish nonagenarian whose tales of old Innsmouth and its shadow were so hideous and incredible.
-- Dry up thy marrows, vines, and plough-torn leas; Whereof ungrateful man, with liquorish draughts And morsels unctuous, greases his pure mind, That from it all consideration slips!
Another old recipe for Buttered Beer, published by Robert May in AD 1664 from his recipe book The Accomplisht Cook, calls for liquorish root and anniseeds to be added.
The grilled, butterflied leg of lamb with yogurt-mint sauce, however, makes a wonderful addition to the outdoor grilling repertory, with the ouzo (or Pernod) lending a rich, liquorish flavor to a marinade that's as tangy as - a Nantucket sunrise?
While several of the songs were opaque lyrically, "Spill Your Brains" was a not-so-subtle lampooning of Alanis Morissette, and "Liquorish Vampires" was written about Timbs' experiences working in a coffee shop in Murfreesboro.