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Let's lighten up and go look at some good things.
But I'm not going to turn things around at the last moment and try to lighten up.
What's really important is that few of us can lighten up.
College students are not the only ones who need to lighten up.
Is lightening up the way to go in political art?
"It is a good idea to lighten up in these countries."
Can we all just lighten up a bit here please?
For a moment, she considered trying to make them lighten, but then changed her mind.
But the sky was beginning to lighten in the east.
At any rate you have lightened my heart a little.
Lighten up - does whatever it is they're doing really matter?
I think in a lot of ways he's lightened up over this year.
This kid has really got to learn to lighten up a bit.
He was not about to allow a bit of understanding to lighten his day.
But it is time he lighten up, go with the flow.
"It will start to lighten up over there any time now."
Real enthusiasm for the idea began to lighten his eyes.
They've lightened up on the rules a lot since then.
Karen seemed to know how to lighten up the moment.
I was beginning to lighten up and laugh along with John.
Efforts to lighten her failed and she took on water.
The moment was past, and he let the atmosphere lighten again.
We've got a lot of lightening up to do for it to work.
Maybe I can afford to lighten up with her, at least a little.
Today was a hard one, but tomorrow's another day, so let's try to lighten up a little.