Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
He likened his new role to that of a country doctor.
She likened their approach to basic training in the military.
He likens that process to making a good movie, with him in the role of director.
What name is there in literature that can be likened to his?
She likened her role to that of a mother with teenagers.
Never before, however, has he so explicitly likened himself to him.
It has thus been likened to a festival of the dead.
Some Iranian officials have likened such a step to an act of war.
He likened the situation to "giving a daughter to marriage."
We stood watching and you likened the column to something.
He likened those first few minutes to a prize fight.
Likening them to terrorists may be a bit much for some people.
He likens it to a great song that never gets old.
It seemed incredible that he had ever likened her to a boy.
He likened the experience to being the pitcher in a ball game.
A narrow field of academic study can be likened to a local community.
He likened the current cases to being caught for speeding.
She also once likened her work to a butterfly collection.
One teacher told the judge the board had likened teachers to members of the Taliban.
She likened one's online activity to walking down the street.
He likened the experience to taking a shot of warm whiskey.
He likened the offices to those in a state capitol.
The smell can be strong, and has been likened to ink.
In my own mind, I've likened them to elevators with many stories.
She likens the experience to being blind and having one's hearing take over.