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But every limbed animal has necessarily an even number of such limbs.
This world will produce strong limbed children, if we can acclimate to the heat.
She adjusted his brawny limbed body to her exact liking.
He stood between two drooping limbed bushes to look into a small hidden glade.
With her short dark hair, she was appealing in a tomboyish sort of way-long limbed and athletic.
Clouds of terrified birds rose from their limbed sanctuary, wheeling in all directions at once.
The Japanese use the term or "giant robots" to distinguish limbed vehicles from other mechanical devices.
The trees were tall, broad limbed, and amazingly faithful to their Old Earth heritage.
Animals with elongated bodies and reduced or no legs have evolved differently from their limbed relatives.
In appearance he was a very fine man, big-shouldered and broad limbed, and his age might have been thirty-five or a little more.
Things like limbed fungus that made sluggish progress half-climbing half-growing on bark.
Now, this Paulus was a large limbed man, with a woman's face, and a hand that shook from wine-bibbing.
It is a roughly human-sized, six limbed creature possessing incredible strength, speed and durability.
Three long- limbed Navy men were stationed around the walls, and a fourth: silver suit, helmet thrown back, bearded dwarf- face within.
A long limbed man with spectacles stalked out on to the porch, craned his neck, then advanced to the halted carriage.
He's still gangly limbed and smooth-skinned.
"Long Limbed Girl"
Seymouriamorpha were a small but widespread group of limbed vertebrates (tetrapods).
It is well known that insectlike arthropods first came out of the sea, followed much later by limbed vertebrates whose descendants include humans.
All limbed reptiles and salamanders use this posture, as does the platypus and several species of frogs that walk.
There were big five limbed rats and a camouflaged predator and a lot of other stuff, a whole ecology evolved to live in ruined cities.
His eyes followed a Grecian girl, long limbed andlithe, with hair as yellow as the ripened wheat.
The Hexans are only at the bow and arrow stage, but they don't like these strange, four limbed creatures invading their planet one bit.
The net cost of transport of swimming is lowest, followed by flight, with terrestrial limbed locomotion being the most expensive per unit distance.
He is a specialist in fish paleontology, especially in the Late Devonian, and in the development of the first limbed vertebrates.