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These schools usually had limited supervision from the town authorities.
Under one approach, 5 to 12 workers rotate jobs and take responsibility for an entire product or service with only limited supervision.
Employers, therefore, have an interest in adopting incentives to encourage good performance even with only limited supervision.
Students, as young as 14, were encouraged to care for one's self with limited supervision.
They work independently or with limited supervision of a physician to provide healthcare services to largely underserved populations.
"Notably, the burgeoning home health care market will require equipment that will enable patients to be treated under limited supervision."
Medium Supervision: an individual for whom activities and movements are subject to locally specified limited supervision and restrictions.
As at the other Department of Energy sites, Piketon is operated by a contractor, with limited supervision by the Government.
It also exercised limited supervision over the training of the XXI and XXII Bomber Commands during 1944.
Uh, we had ( ) School was a happy place, place for play, we had limited supervision at a small high school and students basically uh, loved the teachers.
Strong, resilient, permeable unpaved roadways, retaining and bearing walls, and foundations may be constructed with minimal training and little supporting industrial infrastructure and with limited supervision.
Among the options are state psychiatric hospitals, state-financed residential treatment programs, skilled nursing homes, adult homes that provide limited supervision, and as a last resort a specialized city shelter for the mentally ill on the hospital grounds.
Doug Blancero, who runs the 61st Precinct Youth Program, which tries to assist troubled youths, said many of the Kings Highway Boys come from broken homes or homes furnishing limited supervision.
This is easier said than done in a sport that is virtually a year-round activity now, that can make or break a career with one four-minute performance in the Olympics and that often provides limited supervision by parents and skating officials.
They would accept limited supervision from the Office of Residence Life and implement certain requirements for living in the dorm, such as required individual projects, while still reserving the major decisions, such as the establishment of sections, for Demarest residents.
Federal Role to End The United States Attorney in Manhattan, Otto G. Obermaier, disclosed that the Justice Department would largely end in August the limited supervision it has exercised over the market in lower Manhattan for the last four years.
Second, Chief Justice Rehnquist said the limited powers given by the law to the special three-judge court to choose a special prosecutor when requested by the Attorney General, and to exercise limited supervision, did not involve judges in matters inconsistent with their duties under Article III of the Constitution.