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At the same time another hierarchy might be set up for line management.
They hide behind a wall of friendly but hard line management.
Meetings were held with the nursing officer and health visitor line management.
These were often displaced nurse managers who no longer had line management responsibilities at district level.
And held a position in the industry at a level not less than junior or first line management at the time of application.
The station is operated by the Metropolitan Line management team.
Value Line management ended the mutual funds' use of the affiliated brokerage in 2004.
This should be achieved by clearly separating the line management structures"
The situation is that we had to do something not just to integrate the project cycle in terms of the line management of activities.
The key to successfully managing change and changing organizational culture is gaining the support of line management.
"He is a stable person, who is financially experienced, but I am not sure that those are line management skills."
Fewer than average feel informed about the Unit, or believe it wants their views - these, too, are measures of line management communication.
Organograms, line management, performance reviews - they leave me cold.
Indeed, at Corporations, responsibility for risk management is vested with line management.
As such it should be able to supply manpower statistics and other personnel information quickly in response to line management requests.
Only when that capability is transferred to the line management and utilized by the host organization will the benefits actually be delivered.
She did, however, say in the inquiry that the blame lay on "part of all of the line management responsibility".
Line management roles refer to those positions which are directly concerned with the operational aspects of the business (see figure 28).
It also recognises that day-to-day business and executive authority is vested in line management.
The most significant of these time-and-material savings, perhaps, is that line management are freed from forms and paper work they would otherwise have to complete.
It is a process that forces line management to consider their operational priorities and also allows for decentralized decision-making.
A purchasing organisation should be much smaller since it will not need personnel concerned with line management and the provision of services.
"This is more of a line management tool to weed out the underperforming employees."
Line management will accept advice from specialist staff experts only when such advice seems necessary or appropriate.
What happened was that the various decisions were taken by technicians and others in staff positions and fed into the line management structure.