One unpopular and therefore inexpensive item today is the linen press - cupboards originally used for storing linens.
A Parthenon-like temple facade shows up as the front of a linen press, 9 feet tall and 12 feet wide.
One of Elizabeth's accounting books refers to a Machiping having made a linen press and other sundry items.
His face was thin and emaciated, drawn together as if it spent each night in some kind of linen press.
Among the latter is a linen press, displayed in the main room to show visitors that the family had plenty of sheets and tablecloths to iron.
In modern houses, a linen press is often a built-in cabinet near bedroom or bathroom, for easy access to fresh bed sheets and towels.
You want to pay me, you commission something nice, some of those harp-back chairs or maybe a linen press.
Haven't made a linen press in a while.
Hester went over to the linen press and fetched the clean sheet.
But there should be plenty of quilts in that linen press.