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Above his uniform of linty gray, Paul's face was pale and without expression.
I got up out of bed and went to a linty corner of my turret.
I showed up for my callback dressed in battered Reebok high tops, faded jeans and a linty old turtleneck.
Hard papers and fiberboard work well; linty papers and newsprint are like softwoods.
Dully, patiently, he scraped linty grease from the drip-pan, gouged at the mud caked on the wheels.
She had scrounged the dusty pills from the stale linty recesses of her purse, and washed them down with a warm bottle of Squirt.
ATTENTION cranky spring-cleaners considering desperate acts over linty curtains.
First, she led me into the kitchen and pointed to a dark brown linty filament in a ceiling corner vent that could easily have passed for merely the detritus of our lives.
IN a dressing room deep in the men's department of Macy's in Paramus, N.J., a lone linty french fry nuzzled a balled-up Kleenex.
Major Major barely recognized him because he was wearing a faded maroon corduroy bathrobe with open seams under both arms, linty flannel pajamas, and worn house slippers with one flapping sole.
The long coat was identical to the one he'd worn before; he'd bought them both at the same time, from a Paraguayan haberdasher working out of the dense warren of linty cubbyholes in the old Cooper Building downtown.