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Lipstick cameras and other small digital cameras are not included, because they don't use film.
Also being introduced are "lipstick cameras," which can be placed unobtrusively around the stage for a more intimate recording of the performance.
Lee goes down to the boiler room where she finds the killer is filming the murders using the aid of a lipstick camera.
The Adventure Cam 3, tiny and tube-shaped, is known to producers of reality television shows as a lipstick camera.
The only flashy gadget visible is a "lipstick camera," a tiny device that she briefly places on the bow while playing her violin.
Long a somnolent exercise in marginal programming, poker was made magical by placing tiny lipstick cameras on the table in front of the players.
This pioneering technology brought a whole new perspective to live sports television and action sports videos and eventually gave way to button and lipstick cameras.
"Lipstick cameras" are so called because the lens and sensor block combined are similar in size and appearance to a lipstick container.
"To really get a sense of the park, we'd need to insert tiny lipstick cameras throughout the model, with the proper lens focal lengths to represent the height of people.
In 1993, he co-wrote (again with L. G. Weaver) and directed the feature film, The Lipstick Camera for Triboro Pictures and Sibling Entertainment.
Hold 'em exploded in popularity as a spectator sport in the United States and Canada in early 2003, when the World Poker Tour adopted the lipstick cameras idea.
And then there are the new types of cameras - like increasingly smaller versions of so-called lipstick cameras, which are tiny enough to be worn or unobtrusively installed in a room and remotely operated.
For example, Dennis Muren of Industrial Light and Magic used toy action figures and a lipstick camera to film a miniature version of the Return of the Jedi speeder bike chase.
This year, he has the added technology of "lipstick cameras," small, high-quality devices that can be attached to various parts of the piano, and, as the producer says, "put us practically on top of the performer, but without letting the performer know it."
To plan his visual effects sequences, Jackson also utilized a lipstick camera for the models of sets and computer animatics (learned from Industrial Light & Magic), planning the battle sequences like a real general and giving a sense of direction.
But cameraman Steve Adrain had his main broadcast Sony PMW 350, a Canon EOS 7D Digital SLR, and a lipstick camera which he fixed to various parts of the car to get a different angle.
Hold 'em tournaments had been televised since the late 1970s, but they did not become popular until 1999, when hidden lipstick cameras were first used to show players' private hole cards on the Late Night Poker TV show in the United Kingdom.
A helmet camera, otherwise known as a micro video camera, bullet camera, or lipstick camera, is a camera attached to a helmet allowing someone to make a visual record from their point of view (POV), while keeping their hands and vision free.