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A box of liqueur chocolates for next to nothing.
She went downstairs and brought up the only sweets she had in the house; a box of liqueur chocolates.
At some later time Dolly remembered that she was supposed to shop for brownie mix and liqueur chocolates.
"You may be giving liqueur chocolates to an alcoholic," Mr. Lee said.
He gave her the liqueur chocolates and she ate one that had cherry brandy in it, but she wouldn't have another.
That he should be in the habit of buying Mason's liqueur chocolates for his-his female friends hardly seems to me even significant.
Although we don't sell liqueur chocolates or fly spray (which will now be free from red tape) any reduction in the rules must be welcome.
What are "spare liqueur chocolates"?
From below his sternum to his waist, Quinn's front was occupied by a flat wooden box that had once contained liqueur chocolates.
He bought Australian Chardonnay for Francine and a box of liqueur chocolates because he thought she might expect him to give her presents.
If every one who is in the habit of buying Mason's liqueur chocolates is to be suspect-then London must be full of suspects.
He placed one of the teeth on the saucer, then with a small downward jab of the shaker crushed it; it was brittle, like a liqueur chocolate.
Restrictions Where the order concerns: Knives or bladed articles, or liqueur chocolates, by placing an order you confirm that you are over the age of 16.
Alternatively, the leftover berries can be infused in white wine or cider, made into jam, used as a basis for a chutney, or a filling for liqueur chocolates.
It was therefore unfortunate that when a couple of them pulled open the elevator door it was to reveal, slightly melting in the middle of the floor, a cherry liqueur chocolate.
I should have liked, best of all, a novel in yellow paper; I wanted to curl up on the rug before the blazing fire, lose myself in a cheap novel, munch sticky liqueur chocolates.
These days, however, austerity chic is contagious and when one of Nigella Lawson's followers asked if she had any ideas for using spare liqueur chocolates she tweeted that they could "warm w dbl cream 4 a sauce".
(Their extra baggage had proceeded them to the time-gate staging area: Claude's case of Wybrowa, Bryan's Scotch, Richard's supplies of spices and yeasts and sodium bisulfate, Stein's keg, Elizabeth's liqueur chocolates, and Amerie's large painting of Saint Sebastian.)