The next day, a death notice listed Robinson's achievements.
Much of it sounded like a campaign speech as he listed his government's achievements: the roads being built, the schools being opened and the economy's revival.
Mr. Green is still the abrasive self-promoter, eager to list his achievements and enumerate the funerals he's been to.
Not stopping there, Mr. Clinton listed at some length his own legislative achievements in areas like crime, gun control, family leave and budget-trimming.
Useless to list her achievements under this acid rain of self-destruction.
Anyone can list his monumental achievements.
And let us not fight shy of listing our outstanding achievements as a country.
His last known letter (1779-06-08) listed his latest achievements for the Intendant de Commerce, and proposed further inventions.
Summers does attempt to list his subject's achievements; it does not take him long.
She went on to list her daughter's achievements: 'She put in an irritation system.