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I love to listen to music, and did from an early age.
Did he ever read a book or listen to music?
You can also listen to music for 12 hours and 30 minutes.
He is known to listen to music 24 hours a day.
I listen to music at home and in my car.
Along the way we listen to music and have a good time.
For example, many people move when they listen to music.
You'll be able to listen to music at the same time your friends do.
Some people listen to music all day long, no matter what they're doing.
I'd never get anything done if I went around listening to music.
Listening to music, on the other hand, had no significant effect.
"It makes people feel great so they are able to listen to music."
Be sure to do something you love like read, listen to music, or take a walk.
After all, the whole reason you're listening to music in the first place is to feel good.
"I'm looking for something that makes me remember why I listen to music."
It changed how, why and when we listen to music.
For two hours we just sat around listening to music.
Did everyone suddenly find more time to listen to music or what?
He also had the opportunity to listen to music and think.
Listening to music may be able to do just that.
His daughter said he would stay there for hours, listening to music.
Children sitting on the floor and listening to music, usually.
The family spent hours together listening to music, reading and writing.
We eat, listen to music, and then I make love with you.
It's our children who'll read books and listen to music.