Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The book is written in's popular "listicle" format.
Some websites, such as Listverse, are devoted almost entirely to the listicle format.
Who doesn't love a good listicle?
A thematic listicle imparts no such values, instead presenting the topics in whatever order the writer and/or editor deems appropriate.
For a listicle see:
While conventional reportage and essay writing often require the careful crafting of narrative flow, the building-block nature of the listicle lends itself to more rapid production.
Gelato, Coors Field, Denver: Okay, one serving of vegetables might not be enough for the FDA but it's enough for our listicle.
For example, a listicle of "Letterman's 9 Most Hilariously Awkward Moments" can be constructed by adding captions to YouTube clips.
I've compiled my own listicle below, giving extra credit for beers that are produced locally and discounting beers that are brewed and sold by massive corporate entities.
So in this holiday spirit of wrapping up the previous year's events (and non-events) into lovely listicle packages, allow me to present my Best of the Best of Lists.
While I've only been able to taste a couple of the new snacks and stuff showing up around the majors, there are several dishes that piqued my interest enough to collect them in the following listicle.
In journalism and blogging, a listicle is a short-form of writing that uses a list as its thematic structure, but is fleshed out with sufficient verbiage to be published as an article.
From the standpoint of generating online revenue, the appeal of the listicle format - where each item on the list is a separate page, loading a new set of ads - is obvious.
A typical listicle will prominently feature a cardinal number in its title, such as "10 Ways to Warm Up Your Bedroom in Winter", or "25 Hairstyles of the Last Hundred Years", with subsequent subheadings within the text itself reflecting this schema.