Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
True, you have to pay a local property tax on your house's value.
Local property taxes are 72 percent above the national average.
Then the following are local properties in the second sense.
The rest of the budget would come from local property taxes.
The plant is 73 percent of the local property tax base.
He began a private law practice and became a local property owner.
Local property tax records suggest the house was built in 1868.
More than half of the budget is covered by local property taxes.
The Japanese system is not based on local property wealth.
The capital cost is to be financed from a local property tax.
"Pushing the cost onto the local property tax is not the way to go," he said.
"Do you think raising local property and school taxes is a good idea?"
The money would be used to offset local property taxes.
The elected board annually set the local property tax rate.
The same applies for state and local property tax payments.
"It is virtually the only one that does not impact on local property," he said.
The new revenues would also be used to reduce local property tax rates.
In Illinois, local property taxes account for more than 50 percent of money spent on schools.
Hospitals and state office buildings, for example, pay no local property taxes.
Ultimately, local property taxes are not the way to finance education.
Money for schools, welfare and other services is raised mostly through local property taxes.
No state, federal, or local property tax was to be assessed on the lands.
Over the last three years, she said, teachers' salaries have been raised to the point where local property taxes cannot support them.
"States can't give a whole lot right now, and local property taxes don't go far enough.
It is the single greatest effort to help local property owners that this state has ever put in place.