Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
We didn't want it to look like you had men loitering in your hall.
Two men loitering in front of the hotel looked as if they'd been up all night.
I could see soldiers and police loitering in small groups.
During the week, no one loitered in the narrow street.
Some of them remained loitering in the street under my window.
I found Anderson loitering in the day room on the first morning.
Hanging on, loitering in his life, never saying six words all at once.
Your easy days of loitering in the sunshine are over.
Report of a male loitering in the area for approximately three hours.
She knows that the city police keep people from loitering in the downtown area.
There was another guy loitering in the street so I decided not to hang around.
Cliff loitered in the store and made his second call.
Do not approach a person who is loitering in a wooded area.
Penny loitered in the living room to hear the conversation.
It is believed the man had been loitering in the area prior to the attack.
They said the suspect was not a student but frequently loitered in and near the school.
She stared at him as he loitered in the doorway.
The door was locked and a few people loitered in the corridor.
Philip gets into an argument with a girl from their school who comes across the two boys loitering in a park.
Have you noticed any suspicious cars or people loitering in the area?
By the gate a man loitered in the last rays of the sun.
She glanced around out through the doorway to see if anyone was loitering in the hall.
No one was loitering in any doorways, it seemed safe enough to approach.
She loitered in the lobby for a few minutes, then caught a down elevator.
The dogs were there as usual, loitering in their pack.