Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The woman looked bigger than ever with the door open.
Or perhaps he was just trying to make himself look bigger.
They started at number 500 to make the party look bigger.
They looked big - both around seven or eight pounds.
In fact, it looked bigger than the whole house from the outside.
"All you had to do was look big and mean."
The trees suddenly looked bigger, and not quite the same.
His 10 points looked big in the third period when the Lakers tried to come back.
Why should I try to look big - then be made small afterward?
The trunk looked big enough, maybe, to hold half a man.
The Spurs team looked big and up for a game.
She looks bigger because she's so thin, but the baby is not in position yet.
"It looks bigger than the rest, we can probably all get taken care of in there."
One thing we knew for sure - beyond here was the unknown, and it looked big.
Even, that is, a pitcher who does not look big enough to do such things.
They don't look big enough to soap yourself in, but they'll do the job if you work at it.
It looks big enough (30,000 square feet) to hold a small town.
When he stands over a shot, the face of the club looks bigger.
The hole in the end looked big enough to swallow him.
"This one is sort of small, but it looks big."
They did not look bigger than dogs, the distance was so great.
Even my mum says, "You look big in those pictures."
Lewis looked big and appeared to be in good shape.
He didn't look big, but not an inch of him was soft.
In fact he looked big enough to almost make Blade feel small and weak.