I had a wine with high residual sugar and very low alcohol.
With the alcohol remarkably low, only 8 percent, there is hardly any intoxicating effect.
Because apples and pears contain less sugar than grapes, they produce a drink with lower alcohol.
The best have a style of their own, leaner than the California wines with lower alcohol and higher acidity.
The result: a do-it-yourself rose, light-bodied, low in alcohol and just right for a long afternoon on the shady side of a piazza.
One of the lowest alcohol commercial beers released in New Zealand.
Most of the wines produced in northern Europe were light bodied, pale in color and with low alcohol.
This was the first low alcohol bitter for the take home beer market.
The low alcohol is achieved through a special filtration method which removes the alcohol molecules from the product.
The wine is very ordinary, with low alcohol and little color.