The constituency had 98,439 eligible voters, out of whom 28,631 voted (29.59%, the lowest turn-out of all constituencies).
Infectious illness among the children and a children's party on the same afternoon at Baberton Club House were the contributory factors to the low turn-out.
This unexpected success was more to do with the low turn-out of bondholders at the meeting rather than any change of attitude.
Despite the low turn-out, a small group managed to cross the Goan border to successfully occupy the Terekhol fort overnight.
The European elections have in recent years consistently been typified by a low turn-out.
It is the lowest turn-out since the 1967 elections.
It may be that, in the forthcoming election, we shall already be given a lesson in the form of a disappointingly low turn-out.
The low turn-out at the EU elections speaks volumes.
This analysis was impressively confirmed by the embarrassingly low turn-out in the election.
Yes, it did - with the lowest turn-out in any parliamentary by-election for 11 years.